WhatsApp Drip Marketing Strategy

Streamline the Path of a Potential Client for Effective Conversion

A drip marketing strategy enables you to interact with customers through a sequence of automated yet personalized and pertinent messages tailored to each individual.

Drip camp

WhatsApp Drip Marketing Strategy

Why You Need It?


Sales Closure Improvement

Message Readability in First 3 Seconds

Higher Response   Rate

Sales Funnel 

Click Through 

Reduction in Manpower & 
Effort Cost 

Never heard of Drip Marketing Strategy?

Here’s a Glimpse

Drip camp

Have you ever browsed through products on Amazon and exited the site without making a purchase? If so, you've likely received a sequence of emails related to the items you viewed. For instance, if you were looking at grooming products, you'd receive grooming tips in your email inbox. Similarly, if you revisit an app or a website after a while, you might receive multiple messages. These communications don’t require manual effort and are sent automatically, based on user behavior and predetermined schedules. This entire method is known as a Drip Campaign.

“In essence, drip marketing strategy involve sending messages to potential and existing customers in an organized way, depending on either a set schedule or specific user behaviors.”

Why Use WhatsApp for Drip Marketing Strategy?

On WhatsApp, messages have a 70% higher CTR and read rate compared to emails. Using NEOLEADS, you can enhance the effectiveness of a drip  on WhatsApp.

Through a drip marketing strategy, sending automated messages on WhatsApp allows for deeper customer engagement. This approach can boost your chances of closing sales by 20%, while enhancing the efficiency of the sales funnel by up to 60%.

Message CTR

Business Perks of

WhatsApp Drip Marketing Strategy

sales cycles

Every rejection in sales can turn into an acceptance

Hearing a ‘No’ is a frequent occurrence in sales cycles. Often, when a lead declines, sales representatives tend to disregard that potential customer. However, with the appropriate messaging filled with useful information and examples, many of these leads can be encouraged to make a conversion.

Dispatch a series of 8 informative messages twice every week, and by the end of the month, you might see a significant number of leads converting into clients.

Craft your messages to address the common objections that arise when most prospects decline. Assign a drip marketing strategy to a specific customer group and watch the outcomes exceed your expectations!

Always Ensure to Follow Up

Here are some essential points to consider regarding sales follow-ups:

  • 48% of sales representatives do not conduct any follow-ups

  • Only 10% of sales representatives make more than three follow-up contacts with potential clients

Interestingly, approximately 80% of sales are closed after reaching out between 5 to 12 times for follow-ups.

Automating a sequence of highly beneficial messages ensures that no customer is left without a follow-up. Maintain a structured sequence in your follow-ups, personalize the messages, inquire about matters related to prior messages, and refrain from dispatching promotional content.

(Customers typically favor responding to inquiries over viewing promotional materials.)

Never Fail to Follow-up
Engagements go higher

Engagement increases by 70%

80% of messages on WhatsApp are read within just 5 minutes, with 98% of younger users checking their messages within three seconds. Moreover, WhatsApp boasts a click-through rate (CTR) that is 70% higher than email. Therefore, WhatsApp Drip Marketing Strategy are likely to yield higher engagement compared to traditional email drip marketing strategy.

Efficiency & time are maximized

By creating a fully automated sequence marketing strategy on WhatsApp, you can cut down the time and effort spent on follow-ups by 50%. This allows your sales team to focus more effectively on generating leads.

Recent statistics indicate that 5 million businesses communicate with their clients via WhatsApp, and 80% believe that it contributes to their business expansion.

Efforts & Time get optimized
Consumers remember your brand

Customers recall your brand

Even if a prospect doesn’t convert, the sequence of messages sent through WhatsApp can improve brand recall. Consequently, your business is perceived as a supportive brand that is consistently available to assist its customers.



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Helpful Tips for a successful

WhatsApp  Drip Marketing Strategy

Frequently Asked Questions

When using WhatsApp for communication, it’s best to keep things friendly and informal, as if you’re chatting with a friend. Avoid coming across as too salesy or promotional in your messages, and aim for a more relaxed and conversational tone to create a humanized and engaging experience.

Avoid long messages as they often go unread. It’s best to limit your message to around 250 characters and simply include your call-to-action link.

Utilize emojis to capture interest, but refrain from excessive use.

To prevent any customer confusion, include just one phone number or CTA link.

Include a question at the conclusion of your message to enhance the likelihood of receiving a response. For example, you might ask, “Are you interested in a demo?”, “Do you have any queries?”, “Would you like to join immediately?”, or similar.

Additionally, create urgency with phrases like “Limited seats left” or “Offer expires in 3 days” to prompt quicker action.

Utilize a clean, uncluttered image with minimal text to boost engagement by over 50%.

Emphasize the “Advantages of the Product” rather than just listing its “Specifications.” Provide details and materials that demonstrate how your product can add value to a customer.

Start Making Your WhatsApp Drip Marketing Strategy Right Away!